Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Myself, in 150 words or less

"Yet another temptation goes to the other extreme. With Sartre, it says: 'L'enfer, c'est les autres!' ('Other people--that's hell!'). In that case, love itself becomes the great temptation and the great sin. Because it is an inescapable sin, it is also hell. But this too is only a disguised form of Eros--Eros in solitude. It is the love that is mortally wounded by its own incapacity to love another, and flies from others in order not to have to give itself to them. Even in its solitude this Eros is most tortured by its inescapable need of another, not for the other's sake but for its own fulfillment!"
-Thomas Merton, No Man Is an Island

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