Thursday, December 31, 2009

All Things New

My New Year's Eve will be less than exciting this year. Actually more along the lines of depressing. I will will breathe an honest sigh of relief as this year draws to a long-awaited close. With a still-burdened heart I will whisper a little prayer of thanks for the promise that all things are made new and that God has placed eternity in the hearts of mankind. And I will reflect with hope on the words I wrote exactly one year ago today, on a much different New Year's Eve:

It's the last cold night of the year
And I am not who I was last December
And I'm not who I thought I'd be
Though, ask who that was and I may not remember
And time won't stand still
No it doesn't wait for any one of us
None of us
Are pulling the strings
But I am not lost
I am buried in frost
Blooming inward and waiting for spring

There is wind in the windows again
From cracks in the panes, and a snowbird is singing
That all winters come to an end
And warmth melts away bitter cold that's still clinging
To memories of last year
And rocks through the glass that left me all in shards
It was hard
But it's time to move on
And clear out some room
For what's begging to bloom
Every corner the light will shine on.

Be Well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice.
